403 West Main Street 434-260-1511 [email protected]

Collard Greens

We are the Gumbo Hut Serving the Best Gumbo

we are open for gumbo
Photo by Pratik Gupta on Pexels.com

Childhood and Gumbo

With a father hailing from Tennessee and a mother rooted in Louisiana, our household was a haven for delectable cuisine. From succulent ribs to savory shrimp po’boys, from hearty gumbo to stuffed peppers bursting with flavor, and let’s not forget the divine lemon ice box pie – my personal favorite – and the comforting rice and gravy, I was perpetually enamored with good food, comfort food. Although I didn’t always possess culinary prowess, my passion for quality meals drove me to refine my skills over time.

Early Motherhood and Gumbo Roux

My culinary journey began with the humble roux. Starting with the simplicity of gumbo Yaya – a dish where chicken reigns supreme – I gradually ventured into the realm of red beans and rice. Admittedly, there were hiccups along the way, with my undercooked beans occasionally causing my children some culinary discomfort. However, these missteps were essential lessons in my evolution as a cook.

The turning point in my culinary odyssey occurred during a memorable Thanksgiving in Memphis with my father’s kin. Rising before dawn with my aunt to commence our feast preparations, I eagerly anticipated learning the cherished recipes passed down from my grandmother. Armed with pen and paper, I attempted to keep pace with her culinary wizardry. However, my astonishment peaked when I questioned the quantity of butter she employed in one dish. Her response – “I don’t measure; I cook from my heart because I love you” – resonated deeply within me. From that moment onward, I embraced a new approach to cooking – one driven by intuition, patience, and love.

My first restaurant

Now, as the proprietor of The Gumbo Hut, I am eager to extend the warmth and comfort of my family’s culinary traditions to all who grace our establishment. Here, every dish is crafted with care and imbued with the essence of home-cooked goodness. It’s more than just food; it’s a reflection of the love and heritage that defines us.

But my journey is not solitary. Alongside me, my daughter is discovering the joys of cooking for her own family, while my son-in-law has mastered the art of frying wings to crispy perfection. Together, we continue to honor our culinary heritage while forging new traditions for future generations to savor.

Welcome to The Gumbo Hut – where every bite tells a story of love, tradition, and the joy of sharing good food with those we hold dear.

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4 comments on “We are the Gumbo Hut Serving the Best Gumbo

Johanna Kessler

When will you have a full menu.


Hi the menu listed is the full menu. The best way to know what we have in stock is to hit the order now button. The menu is updated with sold-out items in real-time.

Jen Barrett

Hi! This looks so yummy. Do all your dishes contain gluten? My son and I have to eat gluten free, and sometimes it stinks;) I know anything starting with roux will contain flour, but would any of your other dishes happen to be gluten free? 🙂

Steve B

Excellent family loves the food


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